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Oscars 2011: Best Picture Winner Early Predictions

The 83rd Academy Awards (Oscars 2011) is still half a year away and there are already early predictions on who will win the most coveted Best Picture award.

The following early predictions for Oscars 2011 best picture winner is from Movie City News. They asked 14 movie critics they called "The Gurus" to select 15 movies they think will make it to the best picture nominations.

A total of 42 movie titles showed up in the tally, with ten movies garnering more than nine votes each. Inception, The King's Speech and Toy Story 3 lead the others with 14 votes each.

When they made a list like this last year, seven movies got into the Top Ten nominees, while two made it to the Top Sixteen. Only one movie nominee was not included in their list: The Blind Side. So there must be something in this list.

Ten Best Picture Bets for Oscars 2011

Here are the top ten bets for the best picture award for the 83rd Academy Awards according to Movie City News:

Inception (14 votes)
The King's Speech (14 votes)
Toy Story 3 (14 votes)
The Kids Are All Right (13 votes)
The Social Network (13 votes)
Black Swan (12 votes)
True Grit (12 votes)
Another Year (10 votes)
127 Hours (9 votes)
Winter's Bone (9 votes)

And here is the complete list of movies that the gurus voted for:

The Gurus

Here are the participating gurus who voted for their favorite movies to end up being nominated for Best Picture come January:

Anthony Breznican – USA Today
Greg Ellwood – Hitfix
Pete Hammond – Deadline Hollywood
Eugene Hernandez – indieWIRE
Pete Howell – Toronto Star
Dave Karger – Entertainment Weekly
Mark Olsen – LA Times
David Poland – Movie City News
Steve Pond – The Wrap
Sean Smith – Entertainment Weekly
Sasha Stone – Awards Daily
Kris Tapley – In Contention
Anne Thompson -indieWIRE
Susan Wloszczyna – USA Today

What's your pick?

Which of these movies do you think will be nominated for Best Picture for the Oscars 2011? And which do you think will be the Best Picture winner? Share you picks and thoughts in the comments below.

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