Meet the New Allies, Foes in "The Angry Birds Movie 2"
Central to building upon the adventure, comedy and fun of the first Angry Birds Movie was the creation of new characters – allies, foes and frenemies for the much awaited sequel, The Angry Birds Movie 2, in Philippine cinemas August 21.
The flightless angry birds and the scheming green piggies take their beef to the next level in The Angry Birds Movie 2! When a new threat emerges that puts both Bird and Pig Island in danger, Red (Jason Sudeikis), Chuck (Josh Gad), Bomb (Danny McBride), and Mighty Eagle (Peter Dinklage) recruit Chuck’s sister Silver (Rachel Bloom) and team up with pigs Leonard (Bill Hader), his assistant Courtney (Awkwafina), and techpig Garry (Sterling K. Brown) to forge an unsteady truce and form an unlikely superteam to save their homes.
Silver (Rachel Bloom). A key new asset to the team of heroes is Silver, a grad student at Avian Academy, where she is earning her degree in engineering. Silver also happens to be Chuck’s younger sister, sharing his cheerful, outgoing, and energetic personality. Silver is blessed with a gift for speed, but it’s her brain that’s extra-quick. Combine that with her energetic, outgoing personality, and there’s bound to be friction – and all kinds of sparks – with Red.
Zeta (Leslie Jones). A very different kind of perspective is provided the villainous eagle Zeta (Leslie Jones), the frustrated and gangly ice queen of Eagle Island, who years ago, suffered a loss that has left her as cold as her frigid surroundings. Tired of living (and shivering) on a frozen island of snow and ice, she dreams of sipping piña coladas on the warm, tropical beaches of Bird Island and Piggy Island. She’s sarcastic and selfish, and just conceited enough to believe she can take the two other islands for herself.
Debbie (Tiffany Haddish). One eagle definitely feeling Zeta’s pain is Debbie, the queen’s doting but super-clumsy right-hand-eagle. Debbie worships Zeta; there’s nothing she wouldn't do for her queen / pal, including planning her schedule, organizing her personal life, or even doubling as a psychologist when Zeta has no one else to talk to.
Glenn (Eugenio Derbez). Zeta also relies heavily on Glenn, her chief scientist and the architect of a comedic superweapon, which the intrepid pig / bird superteam must destroy to save their respective islands. Glenn is understandably nervous, knowing that his predecessors didn’t keep their jobs long enough to see the weapon come to fruition. He’s equally anxious about the fact that the weapon is not being used in the way Glenn had envisioned and has doubts about its repurposing.
Garry (Sterling K. Brown). Back with (Super)Team Frenemies, we meet another tech-wiz, or more specifically, tech-pig, Garry, the mastermind behind the cool gadgets the guys use to sneak onto Eagle Island and attempt to disarm Zeta’s mega-weapon. Garry is highly intelligent, super confident, and somewhat arrogant. Every team of agents needs their quartermaster, inventor of secret gadgets to ease the way out of any scrape – except that Garry's inventions aren’t that great. He is based inside the high-tech Piggy Lab, working closely with his less-than-skilled team of guinea pigs. But when Garry is recruited to join the heist team, he's going to have to check his ego at the door and attempt to work well with others.
Courtney (Awkwafina). Another key member of the unexpected alliance is Courtney, Leonard's new piggy assistant. Even though she spends more time texting and listening to music than actually working, Courtney is probably the most competent and skilled assistant Leonard has ever had, which isn’t saying much. And when Leonard barks orders, like asking her to actually work, Courtney takes it all in stride – but she occasionally dishes out some wicked retorts when Leonard underestimates her.
The Angry Birds Movie 2 is distributed by Columbia Pictures, local office of Sony Pictures Releasing International. Use the hashtag #AngryBirdsMovie2
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