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American Horror Story actor Danny Houston stranded deep underwater in claustrophobic thriller ‘Pressure’.

Danny Huston has confessed filming new thriller Pressure felt like an eternity and he couldn’t wait for it to end.

The American Horror Story actor stars alongside Matthew Goode and Joe Cole in the film about three oil rig workers trapped in a diving bell at the bottom of the ocean. Stunt scenes for the movie also involved donning heavy diving equipment to film in a water tank at Pinewood Studios.

Danny revealed: “Everything I loved and like about the script I hated and despised about making it. And although my fellow actors in the film were wonderful I prefer to see them in wide open spaces in the future.

“It was so complicated getting in and out of it, it was this sort of bubble in this tiny little water tank. And then the bigger tank – that was an experience I didn’t want to extend time-wise.

“Those big helmets and get-up are incredibly uncomfortable and absolutely claustrophobic. It’s not like diving where you feel you’re light and free, you’re bolted into this gear, and it takes time to get it off. The water was tepid so you also get hot and the glass steams up, you can’t hear and you can’t wait to get out of that.

“It did feel at times like an eternity. I love the water, I like to dive, even though I surf really badly, I love to surf, but it’s the claustrophobic element that those helmets have which is something I’d really rather not experience again.

“It really was torture!”

After weeks at sea, the men are all missing their families, an experience the 53-year-old actor admitted he can relate to from his many trips away filming on location.

Danny said: “One is removed from one’s normal life and family so I can relate to that sort of longing.

“But I suppose actors are more gypsies – we tend to create our own mini sometimes brief families when we go off to locations, however fickle some of those relationships can be.

“Whenever I leave a film everyone says, ‘Give me your number’ and you hope to see them again, but you usually don’t. I always kid around and say write me a postcard.”

Matthew Goode and Danny bonded in the confined space (Pinewood Pictures)

But the Big Eyes star has become good friends British actors Joe Cole and Matthew Goode since working on Pressure.

He said: “I feel like we were in the trenches together, so I know them possibly better than I would wish to, but I feel like I know them well and I see them from time to time.

“Especially Matthew, we’ve become close friends, he’s just had a child and he was working on a film in New Orleans the same time I was doing American Horror Story in New Orleans so we’ve become quite close.”

PRESSURE is released and distributed by CAPTIVE CINEMA.


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